Friday, December 11th, 2009...12:14 pm
#145: Don’t Be White (Or Just Act Like It)
The new Pew Research study on The Millennials aka The Evil Young is out, and among the findings that weren’t too boring for me to focus on was the one about the younger generation being more diverse than previous generations of Americans.
Pew quantified that statement with actual rising numbers of young people who are Hispanic, black etc., as opposed to plain old boring white, but I think there’s a qualitative, gestalterific difference here too. Younger people, whether or not they actually are white, are less likely to want to be white, to try to act white, to value what’s whitest about American culture.
I would go so far as to say that the list of Stuff White People Like, constructed, not coincidentally, by a young ‘un, might as well be called Stuff That Is Really Bland and Dorky, Except You’re So Boring — and Okay, I’ll Say It, White — You Think It’s Cool.
In fact, now that I think about it, How Not To Act Old might also be called How Not To Act Boring, Lame, or Embarrassingly White. It’s old-acting to be racist, for instance, or tell racist jokes. Definitely way old to belong to any club or frequent any establishment that might as well be whites-only. It was not-old to vote for Obama, old to back McCain (Pew’s numbers bear this out). Not-old to groove on rap, old to heehaw to country. Not-old to date or marry inter-racially; old to stick to your own kind.
The BBC is too white, a charge against which they’ve actively tried to campaign. In fact, much of the liberal media is too white, too male, and too damn old. I could go on, but then I’d have to write Stuff Too White People Like, and I think that’s been pretty much covered.
The point: Go ahead and be white, if you must. Just don’t be so damn proud of it.

“I would go so far as to say that the list of Stuff White People Like, constructed, not coincidentally, by a young ‘un, might as well be called Stuff That Is Really Bland and Dorky, Except You’re So Boring — and Okay, I’ll Say It, White — You Think It’s Cool.”
I don’t think that’s true. Most of the things listed on that blog are things that the majority of upper-middle class young adults believe to be really cool. The site is really about the fact that white people are not boringly culture-free — and it’s racist that we’re unable to see our very own culture while exoticizing everyone else’s.
I am white and I am proud of it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just like black ppl are proud to be black. Yet I am nothing like the white u describe. I think who ever wrote that is just a racist, and hurts this sites credibilty….if it had any to begin with
We are who we are. Pride does not enter into it because we did not have to attain our skin color, ethnic background, or our parents. These things are pre-chosen and we arrive in this world as we are. As far as cultural differences, we as humans can chose to keep or disregard what is ours at birth, at least most of the time. We do not have to attain what is given to us, so there goes the “proud to be” thing right out the window. As far as any culture being bland, because we can pick and choose, it is what we make it. Looking at other cultures from inside the confines of our own, they may seem more or less interesting to us, but many times perceptions are skewed by personal prejudices. Personally I like who I am and I find all cultures have something to teach whether I agree with their values or not. The world’s cultures are diverse and being close minded is not the way to justify bad judgments. And I am OLD enough to say so!
Look, I’m sorry for being proud of who I am, but exactly who do you think you are? You can’t just go around posting white stereotypes all over the internet. I can obviously use the internet (probably a little bit better than you), and I’m not just some emotionless lump; I have feelings. Oh, and you wanna know what’s really funny? You think I’m boring and lame! Hah! AS IF! For your information, 1) this happens to be one of the most boring things I’ve ever read, 2) I’m far from racist, and 3) I bet I’m one of the coolest people out there, white OR black — a lot cooler than YOU, no doubt. Can YOU sing? Dance? Act? Write songs? Play lacrosse? I didn’t think so.
Do you have your masseuse give you a revitalizing massage after a tough day of polo? Can you tell your driver to be back later with the Bentley, or take you to the yacht for a day’s race, or just to relax with a few close acquaintances at a nasty little soirée? I didn’t think so! Me either. But I am classified as a white person, ’cause that’s what I came out as. And it isn’t about being any other color. But do you know anyone who can count past two or three? All I seem to hear about in the way of cultural differences these days is white, black, or Hispanic. Hispanic? Who came up with that one? All I really know is that I am happy with myself and I look at other people as just that, People. I perceive personalities and facades, but I try to turn a blind eye to color. If anyone wants to be known by their color alone, then maybe they are shallow.
It’s LAME to be proud of something you had nothing to do with. Skin color and national origin among them.
If you think being “white” is boring, or that being educated, clean and articulate are “white” things, then you’re an idiot.
If you think that being racist is “white”, then you’re an idiot. If you think that all whites are racists, you’re an idiot.
If you think the people older than you are boring, then you’re a naive child.
I have been looking around #hostname and really am impressed by the great content material here. I work the nightshift at my job and it really gets boring. I’ve been coming here for the previous couple nights and reading. I simply needed to let you know that I’ve been enjoying what I have seen and I look forward to reading more.
Who in the F do you imagine that you are?
Really…think about it!
Really? I should be ashamed of myself because I’m white? Why? I’m proud of my Scot-Irish heritage. I have friends that are Hispanic, white and black and this has never been anything we’ve discussed because we are who we are. We like each other because of who we are. Not our color or ethnicity. I was enjoying your blog until I read this. Shame on you.
I am white and proud of it. No apologies.
There is nothing wrong with being ‘white’. I am confortable with who I am. And by the way, ‘racist’ jokes can be uttered by anyone, not only ‘white’ people.
I’m insulted by the idea that whites (or any color) should be singled out in this manner. Are Blacks cooler people for some reason? Or maybe Hispanics because every ad I see represents potential clients or customers as Hispanics. Caucasion is a term that includes decendants from European areas, not White-land, we have ethnic heritage. There is no need for us to cringe at sperry boatmocs and vacations in the Hamptons.
America is seeing the largest influx in history of illegal immigrants from Mexico, Russia, African states etc. and this should make us feel ashamed that our ancestors came here generations ago, never using welfare, never obtaining free education for our children, never living off the taxes paid by the citizens?
Who knows what’s cool today – it’s relative to each of us. Marketing is leaning toward ethnic consumers simply because there are fewer whites. Or should I call myself Swedish now . . . would that make me updated and cooler?
This guy is funny, and wow all of the white people got defensive.
True dat, Troll, and it’s also pretty funny that you think I’m a guy.
I hope you knock on wood every time you write one of this funny ass-hat blogs.
Thanks for the good read.