Friday, June 13th, 2008...1:35 pm
#12: Don't Smoke Pot
It’s not the smoking of marijuana that’s the problem, exactly, though if you know where to get some, can you please let me know? No, the problem is calling it “pot.” Pot is what old hippies called it. What we called it when we used to smoke it every day. Now, it’s called “weed.” and we use a vaporizer, get with the program. Go read The Smoke Advisor if you don’t know where to find the program.

And don’t call heroin “horse,” either. The young junkies prefer “schmeck.”
schmeck? lol. My grandparents would raise an eyebrow.
A lot of people (young people) still call it pot.
my parent always call it pot.
people I know that don’t like it call it pot but if they like it they say weed
[…] Or maybe, with the kids grown up and other responsibilities easing off, Baby Boomers are smoking weed (not pot) twice as often. Or […]
Pot works just fine. No one calls it weed… That’s just mundane and well, lame. Sounds like some 50’s anti-drug campaign… LOL @ Weed, almost as bad as calling it marijuana. Just DON’T call it dope, that’s where you’re automatically disqualified from any attempt at being cooll; young anyways.
I like “pot” but while proud of my Sixties cred, I don’t say “hippy” anymore (unless I’m discussing fashion with my mother)
What happened to “grass?”