Sunday, June 15th, 2008...5:37 pm
#21: Don’t Leave A Message
This is a weird one, contributed by my 18-year-old son Joe (see #2). Only old people leave voice mails, says Joe. Young people, accustomed to communicating by cell phone vs. land line, figure that the other person will see their number in missed calls and return the call if they want or need to talk. Urgent message? Send a text.
That long involved voice message you left for your child or your 12-year-old doctor? They won’t listen to it.

This is hillarious, Pam.
Along these lines, I have been informed that using e-mail, other than for business, is really old. Young people use faceook to send messages, but now that old people have invaded that space, I think facebook will be on its way out.
That is too funny! My 19 year old son WILL NOT leave me a voice message for the very same reason!! It drives me crazy. I love voice mail – leave your message and I’ll call you back! What is so hard about that??
I agree with this one completely. Voicemails are pretty pointless and outdated – why do I want to take time out of my day to listen to you tell me to call you back when your number in my phone obviously tells me the same thing? If it’s an emergency, text me. If it’s not, don’t waste my time with a voicemail. If it’s an “emergency” with a lot of details, leave a text saying what the voicemail is (ie, it’s a grocery list) and that is the only time I’ll listen.
I actually tried to listen to my voicemails, to see if maybe I was missing out on important things, but I wasn’t. I can tell you what my mom, my grandfather etc. said in the voicemail before I even listen to it. They always say the same thing, and they can’t tell if I listened to their voicemail or not.
There was one time when I used voicemail a LOT – with an ex-boyfriend I never had time to see in person. We’d have entire voicemail conversations, but he was the only person I’d tolerate that from.
24 years old. Definitely don’t have time to listen to long, involved voicemails. Amen to this.
zrib09 hi! hice site!
I totally agree! My mother will call me several times while I’m at work, leave a message or two, and THEN text me asking to call her back when all it was was a simple question like “Did you feed the cat?”
Couldn’t that have been solved with a simple text and answer rather than blowing up my phone?
not only should you not leave a message, but don’t call at all unless voice-to-voice communication is absolutely necessary.
if you text me, i can read your message while i’m in a staff meeting.
i can text you back when the social situation turns boring, irrelevant or threatening (no social defense like burying my nose in my crackberry)
i can FB you (that’s Faceboook…sheesh) while in the lieu. yes, FB on the fone.
You know…basically when and where I feel like communicating.
not only should you not leave a message, but don’t call at all unless voice-to-voice communication is absolutely necessary.
if you text me, i can read your message while i’m in a staff meeting.
i can text you back when the social situation turns boring, irrelevant or threatening (no social defense like burying my nose in my crackberry)
i can FB you (that’s Faceboook…sheesh) while in the loo. yes, FB on the fone.
You know…basically when and where I feel like communicating.
This is generally true – however, if you suspect the person you’re calling doesn’t have your number, the please either: leave a very short voicemail specifying who you are OR (better) text with who you are. I get phone calls from people whose number I don’t know, and have no idea if it’s a cell or landline. They don’t leave voicemail or texts to let me know who they are. This is frustrating.
Thanks for making this known
Here’s the other side of the coin. If you don’t leave a voicemail, I don’t call you back. I don’t surf my missed calls and waste my time calling potential callers I don’t know. If your reason for calling is important you’ll leave a message (or text). The attitude of not returning a person’s call when they leave a voicemail isn’t young, it’s immature (I’m not going to call Mom because she’s bugging me, nyah, nyah). How about this situation: I call someone, I get their voice greeting and realize I called the wrong number and hangup. This dickhead calls me back. Why are you calling me? Did I ask you to call me? NO. Expecting someone to call you when you don’t leave a message is fucking stupid.
i only use it for work related other than that, my friends know to call back, because if they want to hear from u they will call if not, then not even a voicemail helps,few friends don’t have text plans so that wouldn’t help, but i hate it too when they leave a mess saying hey this is —- well i know who u are i mean i have u in my contacts, duh !! n if i feel like calling i will regardless of a mess or not !
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