Monday, June 16th, 2008...1:00 pm
#24: Don’t Forget…..Uh, Everything
This is an obvious one, though it’s way down at #24 because I kept forgetting it. I’m not kidding. It was one of the first ones I thought of, a whole week ago when I started this blog and I went into the kitchen to tell my son, who asked me what platform (I think that’s the word) I was using and I’d already forgotten. Half a minute later.

I was going to write a coment… and forgot what I was about to say. Oh, boy.
…where did you find my skull?… I left it somewhere last week…. please return it to me ASAP…. my address is:
31.. no.. 51…uh..71?…, no…. Maine St.
ooooo….0000… gotta run, irritable bowel just kicked in….where’s the bathroom again?…