Friday, June 20th, 2008...12:21 pm
#36: Enough With The Seinfeld, Already!
Maybe you faithfully sat in front of the TV every Thursday night (remember those pre-TiVo days?) for Seinfeld‘s entire first run. Maybe you still catch the syndicated shows nearly every night, just like your parents watch The Nightly News and your kids watch The Simpsons. Maybe you’ve gotten the boxed sets as gifts for every occasion over the past few years. And maybe you can genuinely relate nearly everything that happens in your life to a Seinfeld episode.
But listen, the real-life Jerry has moved on. He’s got a young wife, little kids, a struggling new career as a voice-over actor: When you’ve got that much money, you can buy yourself a twenty-years-younger life. Larry David has moved on with his new family, the Blacks. All the other Seinfeld players have moved on, with shows and futures of their own. OK, most of them.
Before you move on, too, though, I want you to know that the Pam, Pam, Pam episode — aka The Soul Mate, written by Peter Mehlman — is about me, me, me.

True, life has moved on for the cast members and, hopefully, for everyone else. But that doesn’t mean cotinued enjoyment can’t be had with repeat viewings! I’ve been watching it for years and I still catch small nuances that reward repeat viewings. (For example, in the episode where Jerry is persuading Babu to convert his cafe to a Pakistani restaurant, there’s a scene where he things to himself, “I am a great man,” and he’s next to a bust of Alexander the Great, holding his head in the same position.) I guess my favorite show is about nothing, even after all these years. Sad? Maybe.
It’s true. I can’t even tell which things were supposed to be humorous and which things were not on that show. None of it is funny anymore. It’s like that inside joke you had to be there for.
I just wanted to say, I’m 19 and I still LOVE seinfeld. But, whenever I reference the show most of my friends have no idea what I’m talking about.
I’m 26 and watch Seinfeld whenever I get together with my siblings. Aged 24, 20 & 16. We grew up on it and we think it’s hilarious.
For those who watch HBO’s “Curb your Enthusiasm” Larry David has assembled the entire cast for a “Not a reunion show” theme this season.
They are planning a full episode to sort of air within his show and it has been hilarious.
The last two episodes air 11/15/09 and 11/22/09.
They updated Jerry set and all the gang will be there.
I mean not only Jerry; Elaine; George and, Kramer
But all the support cast we grew to love…All of them.
Hope you can watch.
I just wanna say, that my parents are still in the Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore, and Cheers stage. That’s kind of scary, when you realize that they’re too out of touch for a hownottoactold website…
each generation offered quite a bit to decadent American entertainment
But I love them anyway. As an evil youth, I really like old movies and tv shows, as well as some new ones and… I like to think i have eclectic tastes
That IS kind of scary, David.