Saturday, June 21st, 2008...12:06 pm
#38: Break That Saturday Night Sex Routine
I know what you do on Saturday nights. Or, if your kids are old enough to sleep in, Saturday or Sunday mornings. You have sex, or should I say, you fulfill your conjugal duty.
Let me just assure you that I agree there are lots of good reasons to corral sex into a regular, convenient time slot. I totally get it (totally, dude) that Tuesday mornings are too rushed, Thursday nights you’re too tired, that every other day is too often (it is, honey) yet you can’t let the frequency dwindle to once a month or you’d have to get d-i-v-o-r-c-e-d.
And yet, every-Saturday-night-whether-you-want-to-or-not sex has a way of making you not want to. Has a way of reducing what once was fun and thrilling and satisfying and relationship-building to just another duty, like taking out the recycling on Monday morning. It’s what you do when you’re too old and/or you’ve been married too long to listen to your body instead of the calendar.
Sorry, I was going to wind up with something pithy, but I have to go cry now.

So what ARE we supposed to do?!
Shake it up, baby! Middle of the night on Thursday. Tuesday in the shower before work (and no, you CANNOT lie down). Don’t do it at all for a month, and then go at it every night for a week. And be sure to let us know how that works out for you.