Sunday, June 22nd, 2008...10:54 am
#39: Don’t Wake Up Before Dawn
At the risk of breaking one of my own rules nearly as soon as I set it down, getting up when it’s still dark outside is what Seinfeld’s parents did. Remember? Jerry goes to visit and is awakened in the dark to find his parents in the kitchen making coffee and squeezing juice. “We thought we’d let you sleep in,” they say. To which he responds, aghast, “It’s 5:30 in the morning!”
I was up at 6 today, Sunday morning. And that’s after going to bed at almost 11! Even when I do stay up really late, till midnight, I wake up at 6.
I blame my children, for making me wake up at or before dawn for all those years, to nurse them or watch cartoons with them or drive them to school. Now, although they ridicule me for waking up early, I can’t stop. But at least I’m conscious enough to know it’s an old-people thing.

I was searching the ‘net for that Seinfeld gag…which cracks me up every time I think about it. Really! This is an actual lol for me, thanks!
This was my me and my husband this morning. We are 46 and 44, husband works from home and I’m a homemaker (no kids). We have no where that we have to be today, but we were both up at 4:30 a.m. this morn. Go figure, we are officially on the “senior” schedule!
This one is so true. Why do old people get up so freaking early ? My in-laws are in their 70’s. They go to bed by 8 each night and are up by 4:30. I just don’t understand this. I am 42 and I’m a night owl. I love to sleep late, too. I doubt this will change in 20 years.