Monday, October 20th, 2008...2:03 pm
#132: LOL, Don’t Lust At The Palin Porn Video
I saw the first minute of Who’s Nailin’ Paylin this morning on the home page of The Daily Beast and I was so tickled I couldn’t resist posting a version of my very own, especially since “Sarah Palin MILF” seems to be one of the main search terms that drives people to HNTAO. I can only imagine how disappointed they must be to find me. Go to the Beast today too for the amazing story of the lost tapes of Madonna, another iconic over-40 woman I love to hate and vice versa.
More fodder for Palinphobics: The hilarious new photoshop book Terminatrix: The Sarah Palin Chronicles, featuring SP as Joan of Arc, Betsy Ross and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Okay, here’s XXX Sarah…..ooops, “Sara”:

Just thought I would drop by and say hello. I found you through the blog net awards. You have some great humorous content here. I voted and commented on your Blog maybe you could do the same for me.
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