Tuesday, November 4th, 2008...10:21 pm
#133: Don’t Channel Andy Rooney
First off, let me say that I think Tracey Ullmann is a genius. She’s one of my personal heroines, plus she very much does not look or act old — and at the same time, does not seem to be trying to look or act ridiculously young. As I said, the woman is a genius.
What’s the fabulous Tracey got to do with poor ridiculous Andy? Everything, as you’ll see in the video below.
You may think that there’s no chance you’re anything like Andy Rooney. You would never, after all, rant about why pencils are just as good as computers or try to make a case for the revival of the apron.
But you may inadvertently be channeling Andy if you carry on about any of the following:
- The ridiculousness of contemporary baby names, epitomized by the child — you swear: your sister-in-law the nurse saw it with her own eyes — who was named Gonorrhea.
- The failure of young people today to move out of their parents’ houses, get married, and assume adult responsibilities before the age of, say, 43.
- The inflated cost of handbags.
All I can say is: Put down the pencil, Andy. The only one who should ever channel Andy Rooney is Tracey Ullmann. Here’s why:

great post. you are so right, and your examples are perfect. i don’t understand why most advice isn’t as good as it used to be when millicent fenwick and emily post were in their heyday…
My SO and I have had multiple conversations on the pointlessness that is any opinion of Andy Rooney. The other day I caught one of his little talks, and he was saying that work is the fulfilling part of most people’s lives. I couldn’t tell if he was failing at sarcasm or if his senility has taken a turn for the naive.