Monday, April 20th, 2009...8:05 pm
#134: Don’t Cry For Susan Boyle
Okay, Rolf and I barely had a chance to stretch our legs and catch our breath after a grueling winter spent kissing in the hammock writing How Not To Act Old, The Book, when we find ourselves forced back to active duty, covering the international phenomenon of Susan Boyle.
You’d think that a chimpanzee had recited Hamlet, or a statue of the Virgin Mary had climbed down from her pedestal and said Mass, so stunned is everyone that a 48-year-old woman — make that a 48-year-old not-so-attractive and not-so-thin woman — might actually have some talent. Might have, for reasons related to home and family, chosen to stay home in her village rather than hoof it to Hollywood. Might deserve our attention.
And just when the world was ready to round up all 48-year-old women and take them back behind the barn and shoot them! What are they good for, anyway? They can’t have babies anymore. They’re not sexy. At work they’re just annoying. And let’s face it, unlike Susan Boyle, most of them can’t even sing.
I, along with the divine Lisa Schwarzbaum over at EW and millions of other people, found tears springing to my eyes when listening to Susan Boyle. And then I slapped myself. Of course, she’s fabulous. Naturally, I’m pleased that her light has finally emerged and that she’s meeting with public acclaim.
But let’s not act as if she’s a freak or a miracle. When all the Susan Boyles routinely get a turn on stage and when the world expects them to be interesting and valuable rather than a joke, then I’ll cry tears of joy.
Thank you. There is something mildly disturbing about people being so surprised that this woman is so talented. Yes, guess what, middle aged women who don’t look like models can also be talented. Geeeeezzzzz.
Thanks for saying what I’ve been feeling.
Nice article. However, I’m so tired of hearing Susan Boyle referred to as “not attractive” or “not so attractive.” I’m sorry, but she is beautiful. And, the more I hear her sing, the more beautiful she becomes. True.
I was surprised by her talent because there have been a number of women 45+ who come on that show and just make complete fools of themselves. That said, there have been a number of people of all ages, both male and female, who have come on the show and have made complete fools of themselves. I’m quite surprised at anyone who is good. Talent seems to be rare in general.
I cried for Susan because everyone, including the judges, were rude to her. I was very glad that she “showed them.”
I hope you revisit your attitudes when you’re 48. It’s women like you who set back the women’s movement with your misogynistic hatred.
If I’m ever 48 again, I certainly will. And perhaps if you read this post more carefully, you would see that I’m criticizing misogyny, not participating in it.
Extremely well said…BRAVO.
wtf..Miss Jen??? you’re probably some old southern fart…
Hehe…and it was all going so well until Miss Jen popped up!
Absolutely spot on about Susan Boyle – I was insulted *for* her at the way the audience immediately made assumptions about her based on her appearance and, presumably, age.
BTW, I found your site after reading your piece on and so pleased I did.