Monday, August 3rd, 2009...5:44 am
NEW VIDEO: She Read The Book, Kind Of….
Tomorrow the How Not To Act Old book officially hits the stores, but our woman somehow managed to snag an advance copy and read it cover to cover.
Well, she read all the good parts. While also leaving a voice mail for her daughter, sending mass emails to her friends, and cooking a pot roast for dinner. So she doesn’t necessarily remember every single word….
And now she can’t find her book. Better run right out and buy another copy.
Thanks to the fabulous director and photographer Alexa Garbarino, whose own gorgeous book Ripe is coming soon; to the scarily talented Age Policeman Noah Levinson; to the brilliant novelist Debbie Galant, who was moved to burn her leopardskin clothes after I borrowed them; and to Fitzgerald’s 1928 in Glen Ridge, NJ for the gorgeous location.

i love this. the cougar look really becomes you. if that’s acting old, stick with it.
I think you look GR-R-R EAT in that leopard skin!!! (even with my bifocals on)Attention age police: leopards & cougars are 2 different cats.
Watch should go, too, right? And saggy bare arms? No.
Yes – the saggy bare arms should go – even 90 year olds can firm up.
Right you are, Francesca! I’ll endeavor to join all those firmed-up 90-year-olds and, if that doesn’t work, I’ll just cut my saggy arms right off. Should go, absolutely.
“Ma’am, just read the damn book.” You’re right, he *is* incredibly talented.
And not entirely unattractive.