Thursday, October 16th, 2008...1:18 pm
Why Are You Here?
I created this poll basically because WordPress just added this capability, and in the interest of Not Acting Old I have to immediately adopt all new technology and show off my blogging wizardry. Plus, it was really fun to try and drill down to the meaning of life, or at least the meaning of why people visit How Not To Act Old. Vote early and, well, not often, because the program won’t let you do that.
[polldaddy poll=1003221]
Turned the “age of death” this year.
Getting old (58) just jumped up and surprised me. I am now trying to deal with the shock. It has been so nice to read that I am not the only shocked person. So… I guess, it is comforting.
I wanted to know why people consistently think I’m 15 years younger than I actually am.