Tuesday, June 17th, 2008...11:06 am
#27: Don’t Vote Republican
Sure, there are Young Republicans, just like there’s Jumbo Shrimp and Soft Rock. It’s an oxymoron: All Republicans are, in spirit if not in years, old. They’re conservatives, which by definition means they’re against change and for the status quo. They’re pro-money — and why not, since as old white men, they have plenty. And against abortion — again why not, since as old white men, they can’t get pregnant.
Even if, for some bizarre reason, your politics line up with the Republicans, I still implore you to resist voting with them. Think of how old their presidential candidate is compared with the Democrats’. Think, even more important, of your image.
Your website was funny until this point. But now you have resorted to the talking points and ‘holier than thou’ attitude exhibited by the democratic party. Remember your party supports censorship with its adherence to political correctness by telling people how they should talk and think. Just how exactly is that being progressive?
I like this one.
Remember when they were talking about their “permanent republican majority?”
So funny.
I needed a book for a trip, I was going to buy this one…not anymore!
Aw, c’mon. I think you’d really get a lot out of it.
Well for example of a young republican… ME, and just about every other kid I know is Rep. It’s cool to know your poltics (to a point of course) Atleast so you don’t look like an uneducated moron. And most kids that did side with democrats changed after they started to pay atention (which sorta happened this year with the election and stuff). So now me and most of my friends associate that being democrat as a kid = doesn’t have a clue about what they are talking about. We want a feature and see the Democrats taking it away, maybe they feal younger leeving so much debt, and frivolously spending (its like the freakin country is having a mid life crisis!) But us kids want to have a future we can build oursleves, not be shoved into a socialist government.
Until this, i thought most of your stuff was good and pretty true (although some of your *modern* words seemed like somthing adults may think we say, but are just as bad as saying neato or somthing) And no, I’m not old. I’m 14
Lost me here, never will spend money on this democratic liberal!!!
Image should never be a reason for political beliefs. Big government will be the end of everything wonderful about this country. Change is not always good. Maybe the wisdom of the founders should not be changed. I hope the young have the energy to change government back to the founding ideas. Printing more money to cover the budget, spending more than you can afford are ways to hyperinflation and debt. How can that be cool?
If the only reason you’re voting for something is to look young – please stay home!
Yeah, most of my young friends vote democrat. They did it because Obama is half black.
They don’t know what the first amendment is and look blank if you mention Roe vs. Wade.
Younger isn’t always better.
Going with the group to look cool is not only foolish, but REALLY OLD! I don’t care who you voted for as long as you have a damn good reason for why you voted that way.
Old – like listening to Bruce Springsteen or being nostalgic for the 60’s – is about political conformity. Youth has long been enchanted with “doing your own thing” as long as it’s exactly like what everyone else is doing (some things never change). I sense less of that today than in the past. There is no one politics of youth today – rather an uncomfortable balance between “mooching” and “carving a new trail” (again, some things never change).
Actually, I think party politics of this generation is going to be, at best, mercurial. In YOUR generation the Democrats have always been the “cool” kids, but do you really think your kids are just like you? I think you’re projecting here. They like Obama/Democrats now, but next time around? Don’t count on it. The cycle is much faster, what looked deft and new in 2008 could be deeply ancient by 2012, let alone 2016.
Angry political comments aimed at completely well-meaning people are OLD. Being so thinned skinned about a little humor you may disagree with is really OLD. Young people don’t get all bent out of shape if another person has a different idea of politics. And making stupid threats at people you don’t know is even older and nasty. Young people don’t base their entire self worth on party affiliation.
Guess we now know who can’t take a joke (and if that isn’t old, nothing is). Anyway, old is thinking the dems are destroying the country, when it was really the fault of the repubs before them…oh, and the dems before them…oh, and the repubs before them…oh, and the dems before them, etc. The two major parties have a lock on the system, and the oligarchs own both. The young will realize this after they inherit the whole fubar system (and after they see what happens to change they can believe in…).
I wasn’t going to buy your book, but I’m going to Amazon RIGHT THIS MINUTE to purchase it after reading these comments! Hah! Up theirs!
How very shallow and bigoted. Go ahead and jump off the cliff like lemmings and take em with ya!
Belonging to (or aligning yourself with) a political party is old.
I was enjoying this also until i read this, i am really tired of the progressive liberals, they are a very, very, very dangerous group. Look at who our President is surrounding himself in the White House.
i would prefer to keep federal government small and allow people to govern themselves, not a groupof elitists who think that we can not think for ourselves.
I would prefer to keep our nation’s sovereignty and our states sovereignty, allow them to each be individual and unique.
I would prefer to be able to be the best individuals that we can be rather than live under socialist government entitlements, and unions, or the slogan WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
The old Soviet Party’s logan, now SEIU leader Andy Stearn, who is a frequent visitor of the White House and has had great input on legislation going through our House and Senate.
There is moment in our country that has distorted the truth and history, Democrats were against civil rights, Republicans fought for them and push it through. Martin Luther King was a Republican. Democrats were against women voting. Democrats suppress individualism and promote fascism and socialism.
Study your history and learn from the facts not what people are telling you. Why are our young wearing T-shirts of Revoluntionary Mass Murderers such as Che’, Mao, Chavez, and their like?
Are they being prepared for a Revoluntionary Holocaust? Question everything but always seek the truth.
Read the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers, learn our history and and learn the true story of our founding fathers, we are a very special nation, very lucky nation to have had such a great engineers to keep us free from elitists and tyranny, but there is a undercurrent that has been working to take all of this away over the decades. Looks like it is working from reading this comment.
Keep in mind: “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” – Edward R. Murrow
Stay informed and vigilante or you could loose your freedoms. Today we are going through very scary times.
I’m 56 going on 10, and was thrilled to find this website. I’m always looking for ways to become more immature! I’m still going to buy the book, but I was really disappointed in this stereotype of Republicans. I hope this will find its way OFF the list. Not only is it unfair, it’s, well, old! And it targets people who probably love this blog. I’m an Independent married for 25 years to a very sexy Republican, a wonderful, loving man, the son of Holocaust survivors. I like to think I brought fun and nonsense into his life. I taught him to love the Three Stooges! Please let’s all let go of our stereotypes and treat each other as individuals and really listen to one another — it keeps you young!
I was enjoying the “tips” until I read this rant straight from the DNC.
PLEEZ!! You sound like a total idiot.
as a member of the evil youth, I heartily endorse this post.
and it’s not just because I’m a liberal, or have gay friends, or have black friends, or have latino friends, or liked obama, or disliked Cheney, or made fun of Palin… actually it was because of all of that and more.
If you want to understand the evil youth, watch a short snippet of the Colbert Report. He’s funny, usually family-friendly (unlike Southpark, Family Guy, etc) and actually is quite intelligent. Just watch, maybe you’ll enjoy watching, and maybe you’ll realize that we’re not evil or malicious, just set in our own ways, and unused to hanging around old people….
Wait, Stephen Colbert? You mean that 50ish guy who lives down the street from me in suburban New Jersey? (I’m not even kidding.) Whose kids go to private school? Who acts, in a lot of ways, much older than I do? He’s going to help me understand the evil young?
Actually, David, you’re pretty funny yourself, if inclined to take a lot of what you read too literally. I don’t really think the young are evil, not all of them, anyway. But that’s an interesting insight about being unused to hanging around old people…particularly old people who aren’t their parents or bosses ie the evil old….
Funny article.
Democrats believe in tolerance and freedom only as long as you agree with THEM.